Friday, June 25, 2010

I feel lethargic these days. I dont feel like going to school, i dont feel like eating, i dont feel like going anywhere. I just think that whatever i do i tend to ruin it and end up falling.

well all of us have had friends that come and go out of our lives but there are friends who come through our lives who will back stab, lie, and just do you wrong. whtever the case may be, the betrayal of a friend can hurt us so bad at times, we dont understand why.

i swear i thought to this day, they were my friends for other purposes, which kept me like a “puppet on a string”. in the end, they lied to me, take advantage over me and listened to others talk about me behind my back. though i learned years ago, One is never prepared when a friend hurts another. i have friends that violate my trust and all rules as a friend. to have friends disrespect another dsnt account for their actions when they are out for themselves.

i know shit happens, its a part of life and we have to learn to deal as life comes at us fast. i realized that friends dnt come easy these days as they did when i was growing up. as much as all of us will be angry from our friends hurting us in life, to me walking away from that friendship is the best way to go...its better to think that youre better off without me and i dont exist.

but what do i care, for the few friends that I do have in my life these days, I love them dearly as they have been with me for years as I have of them. i have made new friends on the internet, through another friend and just saying hi to a random stranger and i love knowing new ones. i pray that they too, i soon understand that friendship is a treasured thing and that they would not become the victim of the betrayal of a friendship as the rest have.

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